Thursday, July 23, 2009

Harvard's Ivory Tower Comes Tumbling Down

Henry Louis Gates, Jr., considered a prominent African American intellectual, was arrested outside of his Cambridge, Massachusetts home. His neighbor called police about a possible breaking and entering into a home which was eventually proven to be owned by Gates. Unfortunately, this incident illustrates nothing new about race and law enforcement.

Who Let the Dog Out?

With Michael Vick’s recent release from serving a 23 month sentence for financing dog fights, there are two questions looming: Will Vick be reinstated into the NFL, and more importantly, What team is willing to sign him?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lessons in Death

In the past two weeks, we have seen the deaths of two icons in music and professional football: Michael Jackson and Steve McNair. These two men will be identified as one of the best at their crafts, and anyone who would study their work ethic would understand their greatness. However, I have wondered, what can Black men learn from their deaths?