Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Daily Show

I'm sure we've all heard of the tragedy of the Arizona shootings by now. 20 were shot, 6 killed, by a mentally unstable man this past week in Arizona. I knew of the shootings, but hadn't had any kind of emotional response at all.
Usually when tragedy strikes I am the first person to get on my knees at night, pray for the victims and to fall asleep nearly in tears, but not this time. I almost completely overlooked this situation.
It took a 10 minute clip of Jon Stewart of the Daily Show to show me how inhumane my response was. The Daily Show usually is a lighthearted comedy show that pokes fun at politics by satirically presenting a news-like report. However, when I saw this clip in my Communications 200 class I realized how serious this situation is.
I had spent my time in my own world rather than being open to the news and really knowing what is going on in the world. Just be sure that you don't make that same mistake I did. Stay aware of what's going on in the world. It can make a huge difference.

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