Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It's that time of year again: the snow is beginning to fall, everyone is starting to dress warmly (except for a few of these nuts around campus who insist on shorts), it's almost finals week and (sadly) the college football season is coming to a close. This time of the year can either make or break someone. Yeah, it's cold and traveling around campus is a pain, but it's worth it. It may seem nerdy, but there's nothing like that accomplished feeling you get when that grading report comes and you see that all the hard work has paid off (and the good grades can always help to coax an extra gift or maybe an upgrade out of the parents). It's the holiday season and everyone is ready to grab a hot cocoa and find someone to chase down with a handful of mistletoe, but it's not over. The academic process ceases to end long after graduation. It's nice to kick back, chill, reminisce for a second, but to be successful in life you need to have the burning desire to be on top of your game. Just think, at any given moment there are millions of people who want exactly what you want and will do almost anything to achieve your goal. If you don't know what your goal is yet, just keep working for those high grades. So although it is cold outside, don't let that cool off the fire inside you for whatever that passion is that you are chasing.

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